Burn’in- prior step before the burnout

The term burnout, still unknown to the public a few years ago, has now become a common word..and no one can be satisfied with it. I personally started hearing about this professional disease in the 90s’ that seemed to hit only Japanese managers(Japanese term “karôchi” death by overwork – more than 10,000 annual victims), a bit like archeologists in the belgium cartoon “Tintin and the 7 crystal balls “… Our reaction on burnout was commonly” how is it then possible? They are really incredible, these Japanese “. it is clear that this phenomenon (hard to say disease yet) has since invaded our country, even if the purpose is fortunately rather rarely dramatic. Is there any medecine or better yet an antidote ? My personal and professional entourage accompanying managers I know of many cases of “burn out” in different sectors (production, services, medical, …). I noticed very similar testimonies: an important and continuing stress to achieve goals with insufficient means (resources, time), a permanent hierarchical pressure where daily reporting were required, regardless of cut and distance between work and personal life. For example, smartphones and emails often impose the dictatorship of urgency: “I sent you an email this morning … it is 2pm and you still have not answered me” … Another common case, the difficulty of managing a messaging that is never empty, and the importance and urgency are totally mixed with mere information.
What is rather surprising is that this evil of the decade of the XXI century particularly affects middle management levels (most pressured) in both healthy and distressed companies.
But I’d like to introduce a preliminary step prior burn’out, which I will name the burn’in. I borrow this term from the sector of automotive quality: the electronic components to automotive equipment require a very severe reliability level. To minimize the risk of end customers return, a stress (voltage, temperature) is applied for a relatively short duration on all components to eliminate teething problems (ie for infant mortality). Thus, the middle management is very often sandwiched between a constant support towards their teams for solutions, decisions and awaiting imminent results from their hierarchy. This occupation is by nature under a large and continuous stress and will develop cerebral physiological and ways to avoid fainting. Psychosomatic manifestations may be a warning signal (back pain, insomnia, irritation with the family and friends …). A balanced management of stress that usually allows the person to cope, but its resilience to stress increasing, the phenomena can happen either because the stress level increases, either because the stress application time lasts much too long. We can take as a metaphor the case of the frog placed in a glass heated gradually … the story says that the frog does not escape and dies while diving in a hot environment, it manages to eject immediately. By analogy, the person will accept this level of stress, up to a threshold of exhaustion burnout. The middle manager becomes a victim of its excessive stress.
This is why it seems to me essential to prevent burnout by good management burn’in:
Taking care of ecology, find resources to interact with peers and friends, step back, move the drama triangle to the virtuous triangle of 3P Power-Permission-Protection (according Karpman) and satisfy needs of his personality, that’s what us, as professional of coaching will work with our clients to enable it and therefore increase our power to act positively and on a durable manner.

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